Tipperary GAA Scene



Clubs throughout the county are actively involved in Covid 19 volunteering and it is important to say well done and to keep it going. With updated restrictions in place from last week and indeed since the weekend, club grounds are strictly off limits to any form of activity.

With that in mind, social isolation can cause major loneliness. While it is great to know groceries and medicines can be delivered to your door it’s the physical contact that people really miss. Men’s Sheds are encouraging members to adopt a buddy and phone or where possible Skype or Facetime for a chat to help pass the time, GAA club members can also do the same.

For people going through recovery from addiction these can be very worrying times for them and their relatives. Substance abuse can lead to an addiction or relapse for those in recovery. If you know someone who may be feeling stress, make a call reach out ask how they are doing acknowledge how difficult times are let them know you are available to listen and chat.

We are all worried about Covid 19. Try to remember scientific and health experts throughout the world are working hard trying to contain the virus. It is important to stay informed; however for our mental health we need to set limits on the amount of time spent watching news and social media. Remember only rely on trusted information sources such as the HSE (check hse.ie).

SAMARITANS are the GAA’s national mental health partners and they can be contacted at any time for a chat on 116123


As clubs across Tipperary continue to offer tremendous assistance in their own locality, the following are more examples of what is being done. This week the focus is on two more clubs, one from the south of the county and the other from the north.

Killenaule GAA Club in consultation with their local Gardai and Dr. Liam Meagher and all their local shops, is doing a Community Delivery Service. Some other local GP’s have contacted the club to send all their info packs to their local club. The following leaflet has been delivered to ALL homes in Killenaule parish by An Post for free.

Killenaule have a complete system with forms, posters, order and delivery sheets all done in editable documents and are offering it to any other GAA club or volunteer group. If any club or volunteer group requires more information please email Eleanor Lahart, club secretary at secretary.killenaule.tipperary@gaa.ie

Nenagh Éire Óg is also actively involved through their Healthy Club Project. Nenagh Éire Óg is helping the community by delivering groceries, fuel and items from local pharmacies to the elderly and most vulnerable in our wider community. The club put out a request for helpers to complete these tasks and were overwhelmed with the response from players and members from both our GAA and camogie sections and currently have a team of over fifty people who have been busy these past two weeks. We have partnered with Musgraves and Centra in Nenagh and anyone who needs groceries delivered are asked to phone Centra on 067-31830 or alternatively they can ring club coordinator Bartley Ryan on 086 7358359 if require any assistance whatsoever.


SuperValu, Centra and the GAA have come together to launch a new initiative, to support the elderly in our communities, during these unprecedented times. ‘Club Together’ aims to capitalise on our unique community spirit, by helping our elderly who do not have family and friends around to support them.

To get the new programme up and running, SuperValu, Centra and the GAA are making an urgent appeal to GAA Clubs across the country, to volunteer to be part of Club Together. GAA clubs are calling on their members to join a local task force to assist the elderly, who are dependent on the goodwill of others for their food shopping needs. GAA clubs will then partner with their local SuperValu or Centra store.

GAA Clubs who are interested in giving their time to Club Together, are asked to contact their local SuperValu or Centra store to find out more.

Uachtarán Chumann Lúthchleas Gael John Horan said; “This is a testing time and one when the oft-mentioned virtues of the GAA’s Community ethos needs to come to the fore. This is happening already and through this most worthwhile initiative it will continue to happen, making a positive tangible difference to those in our communities who may need assistance. I am strongly encouraging our clubs and members to look at this initiative and to throw their weight behind it. Our reach across the island is reflected in the SuperValu and Centra networks and I believe working together we can ensure that everyone is connected and has access to the basic essentials we all need at a time like this."

Martin Kelleher, Managing Director SuperValu and Centra, added; “Supporting our communities is one of the most important things we do. We’re delighted to team up with the GAA, a long-term partner of ours, to support the elderly in our communities. We understand this is an extraordinary time for a huge number of people across the country and we encourage every GAA club to contact and partner with their local SuperValu or Centra store this weekend.”

Further information on the Club Together initiative and how the elderly can avail of the service will be announced next week.


The Tipperary GAA Clubs Draw due to commence Friday May 8th will be deferred three weeks to Friday May 29th. This date will be reviewed again subject to national directives on dates for a resumption of games activity. Lár na Pairce office personnel will continue to prepare the New Draw material and individual clubs will be contacted when their pack is ready for collection or delivery. Final receipts for the 2019/20 Draw will not be posted out until the date for the new draw is confirmed.



Clubs are advised to continue registering all their members before April 1st (this Wednesday) even though they may not have the opportunity to collect the membership fee. As the registration fee is only €2 per member it is best err on the side of caution and avoid any difficulties later.



Over the next few weeks Tipperary Co. Board will be sending out invoices for 2020 P&L/Property Insurance premiums. Most clubs can budget for a similar figure to 2019 unless any new developments have altered their premium. We will be in touch with those relevant clubs.



Tipperary Co. Board would like to offer their condolences to the family of the late Sean Hayes, Tipperary Town who passed away recently.

Sean rose to prominence as a referee in the late 1940's and took charge of the 1952 All Ireland Senior Football Final between Cavan and Meath which ended in a draw. He also refereed the replay which was won by Cavan which was their last All-Ireland Senior Football title. It was a high point of his refereeing career that saw the Arravale Rovers man take charge of three Cork and Kerry Munster Senior Football Finals, two National Football League Finals, an All-Ireland Junior Football decider and a Railway Cup Semi-Final.


In 1951 he was elected vice chairman of the West Board and in the same year he was one of the division's representatives on the County Board. He subsequently served a three year term on the County Board from 1953 to 1955. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam.