The first webinar is on Monday, April 27th, at 7.30pm.

Herdwatch to run free online tutorials to help farmers

With most agriculture shows cancelled this year and travel restrictions in place, Herdwatch is to run a series of free online webinars to help farmers keep on top of their farm paperwork during this current crisis. Webinars are live demonstrations, which can be watched from a phone, tablet or computer. Once farmers have registered, they will be able to attend the webinar and watch a member of the Herdwatch team provide advice on simplifying their farm paperwork using their app from any device.
The series of webinars will cover everything from simplifying calf registrations & movements, breeding management, group dosing of animals and more. The main objective is to get farmers familiar with the easy to use app where over 12,000 existing farmers save an average of 3 hours per week on paperwork.
The first webinar is on Monday, April 27th, at 7.30pm. The focus will be on how easily calves can be registered and animal movements recorded in the Herdwatch app. To register for the free webinar go to
The Roscrea-based company also launched a Covid Cattle Exchange initiative recently, another free service to help connect farmers who need to sell animals with farmers who want to buy animals during this crisis. With marts still operating under restrictions, the service has proved to very popular with nearly 400 listings to date and is available to ALL farmers for free (Herdwatch membership is not required).
Mervyn Harvey from Herdwatch commented: “Last year, we attended 14 agriculture shows and ran 12 customer workshops around the country to meet and help farmers, with few shows likely to go ahead this year, this is a great way to continue connecting with farmers and helping them through this difficult time.
The webinars are very easy to register for and access. If you are not free at that time, you can still register and we will send you a link to watch the video at a time that suits you.”
Getting set up on Herdwatch is easy, go to to sign-up for a 1 month free trial. For more information, visit or call 0505-34400.