Drom & Inch captain Aoife McGrath is presented with the O'Dowd Cup by Camogie Board Chairperson Bridget Bourke and Cathal Bourke of Bourke Sports. PHOTO: ROSE MANNION

Worth the wait for Drom & Inch


By Rose Mannion


There were great scenes of joy as Drom & Inch ended an eight year wait for their latest County Senior Camogie Championship title on Sunday as they dethroned Burgess/Duharra.

They did so in the role of underdogs as first year manager Pat Ryan paid tribute to the squad.

To be honest, these girls put in serious work here today,” he began.

We knew the mountain we had to climb with that Duharra team bidding for their eight county title in a row. It’s huge and unheard of in county or club and a great achievement, so we had to bring our 'A' game here today and everyone of those girls worked like dogs for 60 minutes.

The workrate was what carried us over the line. We knew we had to do it today after seven years wait, if it wasn’t today I don’t know when”.

Reflecting on the trend of the game, Ryan felt the strong start was huge important.

It was of the upmost importance to get an good early start,” he said.



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