The recent cheque presentation ceremony in Tess Burkes in Borrisokane.

Borrisokane Town Park benefits from fundraiser

A presentation recently took place in Tess Burkes, Borrisokane by the family of the late Terri and Michael Fox of Towerhill to the Committee of Borrisokane Town Park. A total of €1,360 was raised during the course of two dart competitions by the Fox family and this was presented to the park committee.
The Committee of Borrisokane Town Park are most grateful to the Fox family and all the darts players in Tess Burkes for their great effort and for supporting the park. The committee will ensure that the sum raised will be applied towards the continued up-keep and development of the park. In particular, it is planned that this year will see an extension of the very popular walkway in the park so that there will be a continuous tarred walk all around the top field. In addition, it is hoped to improve stretches of the existing walkway. Without such support as has just been provided by the Fox family and the darts players of Tess Burkes, it would not be possible to keep the park in operation and to develop it further. It is perhaps forgotten by some that the Town Park in Borrisokane is an entirely voluntary recreational facility covering 16 acres and providing a wonderful amenity to all people in the locality. 
It includes walkways, a playground, a really popular duckpond, information on nature, and many points of interest. It is used every day by young and old and many people help out in different ways. If you would like to help in some way, please let one of the Committee know and do not hesitate to put forward any ideas you may have. There will be an AGM shortly and all are welcome to attend. 
Shortly, the new street works will be completed in Borrisokane. These have already enhanced the appearance of Borrisokane and our Main Street and footpaths are now much safer to use. The Town Park Committee calls on all people in Borrisokane to make a big effort not to cause litter in any part of the town. Please do not throw litter on the ground. Too often, litter is thrown out on to the footpath by people who either do not care or who think it is somebody else’s job to pick it up. Teach your children not to litter the community and please give good example to all by properly disposing of litter. 
So, once the weather takes up and we see a greater stretch in the evenings, the Town Park Committee will be having regular work-evenings in the Park. Borrisokane Tidy Towns will also be starting its good work shortly. 
Why not join in these healthy and constructive voluntary efforts? It’s good for you, for your physical and mental well-being and good for your community.