Nenagh butcher Iain Kinehan

Local butcher's 'Mo for Milford'

Nenagh butcher Iain Kinehan would like to thank everyone who contributed to his moustachioed fundraiser for Milford Care Centre.
Iain, who works at Sullivans Family Butchers on the Borrisokane Road, raised a total of €1,232 by sporting a moustache for the month of November. It was his own take on the international 'Movember' men's health fundraising campaign.
Choosing Milford as his charity, Iain set up an online fundraising account, which he promoted on the Sullivans Facebook page. But he was taken aback by the number of people who arrived to leave money in the collection jar at the shop itself.
“It was very, very humbling. I thought people would only put their loose change into the jar but they filled it right up,” Iain said of the experience, displaying a healthy deposit of notes as well as coins in the jar. “I think it just goes to show how Milford has touched everyone in Nenagh in some way.”
Regular customers were joined by people who would not normally visit the shop in making a contribution, as word spread about “Iain's Mo for Milford”, as his campaign became known.
“The importance of the Milford Care Centre becomes more apparent every day with people popping in and telling us their stories about how it helped their friends and family,” Iain said, adding that Christmas is a poignant time to focus minds on the need for fundraising.
While he found the 'tache difficult to live with at first, Iain said he gradually got used to it. As soon as December 1st hit, however, he bade farewell to the ronnie and says he won't be going back!
Iain presented the monies raised to Milford Care Centre on Wednesday of last week. He would like to thank everyone who donated to the cause, no matter how great or small. Special thanks also to Shane and Gillian at Mulrooneys Gala, Nenagh, for all their help.