ESB warning in advance of silage cutting
At this time of year, ESB Networks is reminding farmers and silage contractors of the major risks associated with working near overhead electricity wires. Coming close to these live wires is extremely hazardous and can be fatal. Very serious electrical accidents have taken place involving silage machinery, both in the silage field and at the silage pit. Contact, or even near contact, with electricity lines can be fatal.
The minimum safe distance is 3 metres, horizontally and vertically; it is more for higher voltage lines. Accidents are preventable with advance planning and safe behaviours. ESB Networks advises the farming community of the following precautions to put into practice every time:
If you have concerns about overhead wires, poles, or stays, please phone this number immediately. In an emergency, the speed of your phone call could make all the difference.
The emergency contact number is 1850 372 999 ( 24 hour/ 7 day service). We advise all farmers and contractors to store this number in their mobile phone.
More details at