Fr Hillery at the graveside holding a photograph of the Confirmation class of Michael Joseph Hogan with Tom Ray, who was also in the class and a friend of Michael. On left is Stephen Mitchel, who used live near the family. Pic: B Delaney

Boy who fell from Nenagh Castle remembered

A young boy who fell to his death from Nenagh Castle over six decades ago was commemorated with the erection of a memorial stone on his unmarked grave in a cemetery in the heart of the town last Saturday week (November 7th)

Michael Joseph Hogan, aged 13, of St John's Place, Nenagh, died in the early hours of Saturday, June 9th 1956 in Nenagh Hospital after sustaining extensive injuries in the fall at the castle just a few hours previously.

Over the intervening 64 years Michael Joseph's remains have lain in an unmarked grave in Kenyon Street Cemetery, his life unknown to all but those who grew up with him.

But a lasting monument to Michael Joseph's short existence has now being erected at his final resting place, thanks to the committee of the graveyard.


Indeed, the life of the young boy was on everybody's lips when a group of around twenty people gathered for the unveiling of the new headstone at 10am on Saturday morning last.

How the idea for the erection of the memorial came about is a poignant one.

A young boy who accompanied Michael Joseph up the steps of the castle on the that fateful night was his friend Ollie Cleere.

Ollie and Michael Joseph had climbed up the steps of the building to a height of approximately 50 feet when the latter walked out onto an unprotected ledge to try to catch a pigeon. A loose stone on the ledge appeared to give way, resulting in the tragic fall.

Ollie suffered the dreadful tragedy of seeing his young friend fall to the castle floor below before running off to get help for his dying friend.

At the subsequent inquest, according to The Guardian report, Ollie was praised by the coroner Dr AW Courtney for his "presence of mind in doing everything possible for his young friend, Hogan, in getting spiritual and medical aid."

Despite all the passing years, friends say that Ollie never forgot his childhood friend and always wanted to see some type of last memorial erected in his memory.

All through the decades Ollie had kept the cutting of The Guardian front page lead story of the terrible tragedy and told his friend, Sean Ryan from Knockanpierce, that he woud love to see a memorial put in place.


Alas, Ollie died just over two years ago, but Sean Ryan conveyed his wishes to the graveyard committee who were delighted to act on them.

Cemetery committee Chairman Gerry Mitchell addressing the gathering at the graveside on Saturday said: "We just wanted to honour the memory of this young boy of 13 who had been forgotten by so many people. By erecting this memorial stone we feel that in some way we are bringing Michael Joseph back among us."

Parish Priest Fr Des Hillery said he was delighted to be given the opportunity to officiate at the ceremony and pray over the grave of Michael Joseph, which lies under an old Yew tree just inside the entrance to the cemetery.

Said Fr Hillery: "It's absolutely fantastic that Michael Joseph's remains lie here under a Yew tree. Such trees grow for centuries and represent our hope for eternal life."

Fr Hillery added that it was his great privilege to meet Michael Joseph's friend Ollie Cleere before his death in August 2018. He also praised the committee for the wonderful work they have carried out in recent years in splendidly restoring the once neglected cemetery.

Among those present was Tom Ray who used to sit beside Michael Joseph in school. Clutching an old photograph of their class on their Confirmation day, Tom recalled his young friend.

"I remember everyone in Nenagh was stunned when they heard about the tragic accident. Michael Joseph was a fine looking lad, and like his friend Ollie, he was a fantastic handballer."

The Guardian report of the tragedy from the time stated that Michael Joseph was the only son of Michael Hogan, a native of Killaloe, who returned from work in England to attend the funeral.

Members of the graveyard committee have not been able to contact any surviving members of the the dead boy's family, or to establish if any relations are still living in the Nenagh area.

His grandfather was Patrick Maher from Saint John's Place, and it was he who had to go through the ordeal of identifying the remains at the hospital mortuary.

In conclusion, Mr Mitchell thanked the local Beechwood based company Morgan Murray Stone for giving of their free services to design and erect the memorial free of charge.