The HSE has been encouraged to appoint a permanent consultant to the Medical Assessment Unit.

Taoiseach backs full reopening of Nenagh Hospital unit

An Taoiseach Micheál Martin has committed to engaging with the HSE with the view to reopening and sustaining full-time services at Nenagh Hospital’s Medical Assessment Unit. Late last week, Deputy Jackie Cahill highlighted the sporadic closures of the unit in Nenagh Hospital and has been in contact with the Minister for Health in relation to the appointment of a dedicated, full-time consultant to the unit. The Taoiseach was commenting on the current closure of the unit in Nenagh Hospital in the Dáil today, after being questioned on the issue by local Fianna Fáil TD Jackie Cahill.

Speaking in the Dáil on Wednesday afternoon when raising the ongoing closures of the Medical Assessment Unit in Nenagh Hospital, Cahill said: “This unit was set up, Taoiseach, in order to take pressure off of the A&E in Limerick Regional Hospital and unfortunately it is not being staffed adequately. We need a permanent consultant appointed to the unit. Last week it was closed for two days and as we stand here today, it is closed for most days this week.

Deputy Cahill requested that the Taoiseach intervene and direct the HSE to appoint a permanent consultant to the Medical Assessment Unit in Nenagh Hospital.

In response, the Taoiseach stated that: “I am great believer in medical assessment units. They were a great innovation and they certainly do work."

The Taoiseach continued to state his continued support for the unit in Nenagh saying: “In respect of Nenagh Hospital, I certainly will engage with the Health Service Executive in respect of making sure the resources are provided that can underpin the sustained and continued availability of the unit on a full-time basis.”

Deputy Cahill has committed to continue working with the staff in Nenagh Hospital who have been in contact with him in relation to this issue, as well as the Minister for Health and An Taoiseach, to ensure a consultant is appointed to the unit as a matter of priority.