Project coordinator Sabelo Mavuso.

Seeds of Hope in Borrisokane

Successful garden project started at direct provision centre

By Hashmet Dilawer Khan

I interviewed Sabelo Mavuso, a South African resident at a direct provision housing complex, the Riverside Apartments in Borrisokane, about a gardening project he initiated in early summer of this year.

Sabelo has been resident in Ireland since 2018 and moved to Borrisokane from Monasterevin, Co Kildare, around six months ago, where he had also been running a similar project. Sabelo is also the Under 16 football coach in Borrisokane and himself plays for the senior team, Borrisokane FC. His professional experience is in marketing, but he also has a keen interest in the field of journalism.

When asked how his experience in Borrisokane has been thus far, he commented: “lovely, brilliant and welcoming. This is the evidence. We have a garden.”

He said: “I noticed there was lots of unused land at the park, and after consultation with the local authorities, they approved our use of some land for this project. Anyone is welcome to participate and come have some fun. I teach the children agricultural skills and many other things. It’s a good reason for them to get out of the house.”

The garden thus far contains potatoes, cabbage, lettuce, tomatoes, spinach and beetroot. Sabelo hopes that the project will grow as more people get on board and perhaps even extend to becoming a commercially viable concern that could supply local restaurants and shops with fresh produce.

When asked how people could assist, he said: “We need funding for fertilisers and plants.” He said that he currently uses his own financial resources to sustain the project. The aims of the initiative are “making use of the land, agricultural education, learning independence, connecting with nature and simply having fun.”

Sabelo’s daughter, Sibo (16), a pupil at Borrisokane Community College, was also getting her hands dirty. She said: “I love gardening and started learning a few months ago. It keeps me occupied and away from mischief. I think more teenagers should get involved.”

When asked about how she thought it helped her, she said: “It makes me feel happy, relaxed and I consider it a part of practicing mindfulness.”

Sibo has a keen interest in exercise and fitness, hopes to study Sports Science after completing high school and dreams of opening her own gym franchise.

15 year-old Ethan Aguocha-Njoroge, a Kenyan high school student and aspiring software developer, was also toiling away. He said: “I started learning gardening a few weeks ago. It’s great if you’re interested in it or if you’re looking to stay fit, because this is hard work.”

When asked how he felt he benefitted from participating in the project, he said: “It’s rewarding to see what you grow with your own hands come to fruition and I’ve learnt a valuable new skill.”

To participate in the project or assist in any way, contact Sabelo on: 0899433746.