The 2021-22 St Joseph’s CBS Student Council (absent from photo, Paul Seymour and John Ryan).

CBS Nenagh students voice their climate action views

Ms Collins’ English classes from First, Third and Fifth Year along with four Second Year students at St Joseph's CBS, took part in the recent Irish Times ‘Dear World’ Climate Change letter-writing competition.

Students voiced their opinions and frustrations at the current climate catastrophe and the lack of urgent action needed from governments to avert or at least mitigate the effects of climate change on the planet. All students involved wrote impassioned letters addressed to world leaders where they outlined solutions that they felt could help in reducing carbon emissions in Ireland and across the globe. Interestingly, students from both junior and senior years raised the same set of innovative and practical solutions again and again, such is the in-depth knowledge that young people now possess on arguably this most pressing topic of their lifetime.

All 80 or so letters have been submitted to the Irish Times online and some could possibly be published in the print or online edition, but winning the competition was not our primary goal, it was raising awareness around the issues surrounding the need to drastically reduce emissions and avert this climate disaster.

Students devised the slogan ‘Tick Tock Taoiseach’ to voice their unrest at the Irish Government’s lack of urgency in finding a solution to the biggest problem that has ever faced humanity.

- By Donal Coffey and Donagh Mc Sherry - Fifth Year students, CBS Nenagh

Well done: Congratulations to the members of the St Joseph's CBS, Student Council, who were recently elected. Representatives from Third to Sixth Year were elected. The Student Council members are supported in their work by Ms Máire Hoctor.

Third Year: Adam Carroll, Ian Shanahan; TY: Conal Daly, Colm Maher, John Mulvihill.

Fifth Year: Adam Hassett, Séan Ferris, Stephen Cunningham, Frank Manley, William Fogarty, John Ryan.

Sixth Year: Ciarán Coffey, Andrew Ferris, Eoin Grace, Michael Grace, Paul Seymour, Leszek Baron, Darragh Kyne, Adam Steed, Darragh Tucker

Well done to Andrew Ferris, new Deputy President, and to Eoin Grace, our new School President.