Killaloe Coast Guard assists in search for lost walker at Silvermines

On Wednesday last, Killaloe Coast Guard unit was tasked to assist in the search for a lost walker in the Silvermines mountains.

The missing person had low phone battery and the phone was going straight into voicemail. The person was eventually found after two hours by the gardaí and a local landowner. Support was also provided by the South Eastern Mountain Rescue Association. Fortunately, a positive outcome and a great example of multi-agency co-operation.

The last weekend of March was a busy one for the local unit with members in attendance at the Skippers Expo in UL on March 25 and 26. Also on Friday (March 25) the unit was tasked to assist Clare Fire and Rescue service with the transport of firefighters to a remote area to fight a large gorse fire in the unit’s 4x4 All-Terrain Vehicle. Firefighters from Killaloe and Scariff stations succeeded in controlling and extinguishing the fire.

On Sunday, March 27, members of the unit’s new drone team were on a training exercise in the Killaloe area. The drone is a fantastic new addition to the unit in Killaloe with trained drone pilots on standby 24/7 to assist in missing person searches.