Tipperary Tourism members can access these amazing images to help promote their business.

Many benefits of Tipperary Tourism membership

Running a business always brings its challenges and one of the keys to success is getting the right support when it’s needed. Sinead Cash talks about the benefit that membership of Tipperary Tourism has brought to her family business.

Sinead Cash is front of house at the family run Bailey’s Hotel in Cashel. As well as taking care of day-to-day hotel business, she is also responsible for marketing and promotion, and has found the extra support she needs from Tipperary Tourism.

Sinead is now a member of the Tipperary Tourism Board and says that it was only when she joined that she fully became aware of their impact.

She said: “It was only when I joined the board that I realised the amount of the work they do, the contacts they have and the help and support they provide.

“The majority of smaller business just don’t have the resources to spend so much money and time on marketing and promotion but Tipperary Tourism can deliver that level of support to you. If you are a member of Tipperary Tourism, they row in behind you, providing fantastic marketing strategies so you’re getting your business onto a much bigger platform than you would on your own. And it’s incredible that new members can get all this for €25.”

As part of her membership, Sinead took part in the Reimagining Tipperary training during lockdown. She said: “It was a learning curve as none of us were familiar with Zoom then, but it was very helpful to meet other tourism providers from different areas and backgrounds that you wouldn’t have been aware of at all.

“The training has opened up this whole world of knowledge and other tourism providers that are out there. You know so many more people now and it’s nice to be able to compare notes and to say, ‘I’m trying to do this – how do you find it?’ and ‘Where are you customers coming from?’ It’s great to know you aren’t alone.”

Sinead stresses the importance of networking and cross promotion as a key to successful tourism marketing.

She said: “We are always asked at the front desk for advice and local knowledge and you could build an individual package if you have more knowledge about what is in your area. I think during the pandemic we learned an awful lot about how to be tourists in our own country. People may ask why they would want to work with businesses they perceive as competition, but each business has something different to bring to the table and if we work together, we’ll bring more people to the area. And that benefits all our businesses.”


Find out the variety of different packages that are open to tourism businesses across the county and how they can help your business do even better at www.tipperary.com/membership.