VOICE is based on digital networking, peer mentoring and empowering disabled people to be agents for change.

Exciting new VOICE project for disabled people in Tipp

If you are a disabled person, or have a friend or family member who is disabled and lives in Tipperary then read on to learn about an exciting new project that starts on Thursday, May 5, at 4pm.

Virtual Online Inclusive Communities for Empowerment (VOICE) is a new community development project aimed at working with disabled people in seven counties. The project is delivered by ILMI (Independent Living Movement Ireland) which is a Disabled Persons Organisation i.e. one where Disabled People are involved at every level. “Nothing about us, without us”. Initially, there will be one group session on Thursday afternoon per week but as the Community Development Worker gets feedback from people as to times/days that suit she will her do best to increase the number of sessions i.e. an evening session to suit those that are unavailable during the day.

VOICE is based on digital networking, peer mentoring and empowering disabled people to be agents for change. It uses Zoom to build online collective spaces for disabled people. This is a practical way to connect with other disabled people and work together to resolve a local issue i.e. an access issue or get advice from others in the sessions on getting on the local council housing list etc. If there is a national issue impacting disabled people, we have power in numbers if there is a group in all counties that will collectively raise our objections.

The online sessions will include a mix of Guest Speakers on relevant topics i.e. Employment supports, MABS, Assistive Technology etc. and to learn about and participate in the various programmes ILMI deliver i.e. CREATE, this programme is an innovative course that looks at the perceived and real blocks disabled people to pursue employment etc and works with people to address the barriers. The first guest Speaker, Eve Curran will discuss ways to avoid fraud when banking online or when shopping online and the second session on the 12th will feature the Manager of Dogs for the Disabled, an Irish charity that trains dogs to be helpful companions for physically disabled adults.


If you would like to find out more or register to get the zoom link for the sessions in Tipperary, please text/ring Nicola 087 7189237 or email her at nicolameacle@ilmi.ie.