Martin Langton (left) is pictured here receiving his award from Paddy Carroll, Retail Manager, Saint Vincent de Paul Mid West Region.

Nenagh's Martin is Volunteer of the Year

Martin Langton from the Vincent's Order Fulfilment Centre in Nenagh has won the Volunteer of the Year award for the St Vincent de Paul Mid West Region.

He has been with the Vincent’s centre for over four years and his nomination said: “He has great contacts within the Nenagh Community - this he uses to great effect to promote Vincent’s retail. With all he meets as a centre van driver he gives support and friendship.”

The award was announced following a one-day retail conference by the Society held in Derry on June 20. The conference theme was how retail can be community based, help reduce poverty and operate in a real sustainable manner.

There are over 234 Saint Vincent de Paul shops throughout Ireland, trading under the ‘Vincent's’ name.

Vincent’s shops are a hugely important aspect of the service the Society provides to those who seek its assistance. Not only do the shops provide goods at affordable prices and help reconnect people disconnected by poverty, they also provide an income source for the Society, which is directed back into the local communities.

Vincent’s are also committed to the concept of Reduce, Reuse and recycling 97% of donated items.

Dermot McGilloway, SVP National Retail Development manager said, “This Conference provided the opportunity for the volunteers and staff throughout our network to reflect on the importance of Vincent’s in our communities by providing a great customer service ethic which also generate financial support to their local Conferences, and at the same time taking visible action on sustainability.”