Aerial photo by Ger Doyle

New dwellings and park for Ballina

Outline planning permission has been granted for a development of 13 detached dwelling units and a substantial area of public parkland in Ballina.

Lough Derg Marina Ltd has received permission subject to 14 conditions at Lakeview, Cullenagh. Tipperary Co Council granted the outline permission after receiving a number of submissions from local residents, including one on behalf of the Cullenagh Residents Committee.

Among other issues, the residents raised concerns over delivery of the proposed park; they also wanted planning conditions attached regarding the Cullenagh Masterplan prepared for the area.

Among the conditions recommended by the council's planner was a stipulation that, at permission consequent stage, proposals for levelling and planting of the public park be submitted by developer. The park was to be completed and available for use prior to the occupation of any dwelling houses developed on the site.