Dick Conroy guided a tour of Roscrea's heritage sites, places of interest and people in history.

National Heritage Week in Roscrea

Following on from our first two events where we hosted The Blue Light Smugglers in The Black Mills and ‘Know Your Heritage Walking Tour’ with Dick Conroy, Roscrea Heritage Society's next event, Rambling House, will take place this Wednesday, August 17 (7pm – 10pm) in Roscrea Courthouse.

Join Fear an Tí Séamus Moloughney for an evening of stories, songs and rhymes from the Rare Ould Times. Bring a friend and a song for what promises to be a very enjoyable evening.

Light refreshments will be served on the night. All musicians, singers and storytellers most welcome. Limited seating; arrive early to avoid disappointment. Admission by voluntary donation with all proceeds going to Age Friendly Roscrea.

This Sunday, August 21 (12 – 2pm) we will conclude our events with a basket weaving demonstration by Barry Noyce. Barry lives in North Tipperary and has been growing and using willow for the last 20 years. He has amassed a collection of over 70 varieties and cuts his crop on an annual basis, both at his home and in outlying Sally Gardens he has established.

On Sunday, Barry will demonstrate how to construct a creel, Ireland’s indigenous and totally prehistoric basket. There are many regional variations of this utilitarian basket and they have been used throughout the ages for carrying everything from turf to seaweed, wool, dung and vegetables. They are as versatile as required and use strong rods with a technique that is unique in the weaving world.

As well as observing Barry demonstrating the making of a creel, you can also try your hand at weaving a few rounds of one using one of the different templates he will bring along. Barry will also have a selection of wares for sale on the day. Free admission.