Individual winners with Cllr. Hughie McGrath, Cathaoirleach of Nenagh MD; Nuala Kennedy, Chairperson of Nenagh Tidy Towns; Celine McLoughlin, McLoughlin’s Hardware (sponsor) and Mary Langton, Nenagh Tidy Towns.

Some garden gems in Nenagh Tidy Towns Competition

Earlier this year the Nenagh Tidy Towns Committee launched their ‘Residential Estate/Private Home Owner Garden Competition 2022’. This competition was arranged in appreciation of the lovely estates and gardens within the town of Nenagh and for the commendable work and effort by the various residential committees and individual property owners in achieving this. Nenagh town itself has shone this summer with its beautiful array of hanging baskets and bedding plants. There is no doubt but that the efforts of the residential estates and individual garden owners have further contributed to keeping our town attractive, clean and tidy and thereby making it a most desirable place to live, work and visit.


The committee received a most enthusiastic response to the competition and are very grateful to all those who took the time to enter. The entry forms received provided the most wonderful descriptions of estates and various garden types but the feedback from the competition judges indicated that their visits to the various estate/gardens greatly exceeded their expectations and they were hugely impressed with how passionately and proudly the people of Nenagh Town care for their estates and gardens.

They were particularly pleased to see evidence of pollinators and environmentally friendly gardening techniques to promote nature, biodiversity and sustainability. As we enter the era of living in an age of climate change it is most encouraging and commendable to learn of such efforts.

This competition was divided in to two categories, firstly Residential Estates and secondly Private Home Owner Gardens.


With regard to the Residential Estate category the judging encompassed such criteria as contribution to nature and biodiversity, community spirit and enhancement of the green/open area. The Judges were very complimentary of all estate entries and commented how meticulously well maintained and clean they all were. Congratulations are extended to the residents of Ballygraigue estate, who received the overall award in this category and who scored very highly in terms of their resourcefulness and efforts to promote nature and biodiversity and their display of community spirit to progress and enhance the estate was very admirable. A presentation was made to the residents by Nuala Kennedy, Chairperson of the Nenagh Tidy Towns Committee; Councillor Hughie McGrath, Cathaoirleach of the Nenagh Municipal District, Tipperary County Council and Pat Naughton, CEO of Nenagh Credit Union.

The Tidy Towns Committee are very appreciative of the sponsorship provided by Nenagh Credit Union for the winning estate.


The category of Privately Home Owner Gardens revealed a wonderful array of floral colour, creativity and imaginative spaces. It proved to be a very strong category and congratulations to the following, who received awards as follows: Gillian Kinsella, Ballygraigue Court for ‘Most Imaginative Tranquil Garden’ James Carey, Killnasalla for ‘Most Creative and Visual Garden Space’ Thomas Shoer, St Joseph’s Park for ‘Most Impressive Floral Display’ Marion Burke, Wolfe Tone Terrace for ‘Most Remarkable Floral Variety’ Freida Ryan, Killnasalla for her ‘Charming Rose Garden’

Presentations to the winning entrants took place in the lovely surroundings of the Community Wellness Garden in Nenagh town and were made by Nuala Kennedy Chair of Nenagh Tidy Towns Committee and Councillor Hughie McGrath, Cathaoirleach of the Nenagh Municipal District, Tipperary County Council. In addition to the Nenagh Tidy Towns Committee’s own sponsorship of this category, the committee are very grateful to Garland Nurseries and McLoughlin’s Hardware, who very generously and willingly provided sponsorship.


Nenagh Tidy Towns Committee launched a new Facebook page, ‘Nenagh & Environs Tidy Towns’ in May 2022. The committee would encourage all to engage with this Facebook page as it is used for communication and to detail the work of the Tidy Towns Committee, including photographs of the many positive and heart-warming aspects of Nenagh.