The meeting in the Committee Room 4 can be viewed live on Oireachtas TV.

Meeting on taking Tipp estate in charge

The Joint Committee on Public Petitions will meet this Thursday, October 27, to resume consideration of a petition regarding ‘Taking in Charge’.

The meeting at 1.30pm in Committee Room 4 of Leinster House will discuss Public Petition Number P00021/21 from Mr Terence Coskeran with representatives of Tipperary County Council.

Committee Cathaoirleach, and Tipperary Deputy Martin Browne said: “The committee has already heard from the petitioner on the ‘Taking in Charge’ process regarding a small housing estate in Co Tipperary. We will now hear the response from Tipperary County Council and look forward to discussing the matter with Joe MacGrath, chief executive, and his colleagues. The committee will also consider petitions on ‘Tax Exemption’ and ‘Lil Reds Legacy Sepsis Awareness Campaign’.”

The Joint Committee on Public Petitions is a standing Committee of the Houses of the Oireachtas and has 11 members, seven from the Dáil and four from the Seanad.

The meeting in the Committee Room 4 can be viewed live on Oireachtas TV.

Committee proceedings can also be viewed on the Houses of the Oireachtas Smartphone App, available for Apple and Android devices.