STOP HUNGER! Fundraiser in Roscrea this Saturday to aid starving in Horn of Africa

Roscrea fundraiser for African drought crisis

Come along to the Methodist Church Hall, The Mall, Roscrea, on Saturday morning, December 3, anytime from 10.30am and enjoy a cup of coffee! You may also sample homemade biscuits and scones while browsing over the items on the stall! A selection of Peter McVerry Trust Christmas cards will be available.

People have responded with remarkable generosity to humanitarian needs in Ukraine, but now we need to act urgently in support of people in East Africa, declares Christian Aid Ireland.

The Horn of Africa region has experienced four successive failed rainy seasons over the past two years, resulting in the worst drought in 40 years. The drought has left over 16 million people across the region struggling with water shortages. Nearly nine million livestock, on which people rely for their livelihood and sustenance, have died as a result of this drought. Goats, sheep and most of the donkeys have died with only camels remaining. This means that over 20 million people in the region are also struggling from food shortages. This is causing health problems for children and is affecting their education.

Working through local partners, Christian Aid is helping thousands of people by repairing wells, handing out water purification kits, providing cash support, trucking water to drought-affected communities and by providing fodder and medicine to keep valuable livestock alive. YOU can help by supporting Christian Aid!

Christian Aid was founded in 1945 by British and Irish churches to help refugees after the Second World War. It supported, equipped and enabled partner churches in mainland Europe to provide what people needed. This life-saving work has extended to many other war-torn and drought- and famine-stricken parts of the world – and the problems are not going away. COP27 has served to remind us of all of our responsibilities in the world which ids our home – and here is one way you can help.