Funds generated from the annual Christmas Day Charity Swim at Youghal Quay will be presented at a social in Reidy's Pub in Newtown this Saturday night, January 14

Youghal festive swim presentation night this Saturday

The celebration social of yet another annual Christmas Day Charity Swim at Youghal Quay will take place in Reidy's Pub in Newtown on this Saturday night, January 14, when funds raised from the latest swim will be presented to three worthy causes.

The time is now running out for those who took the dip in the icy lake to get the money they collected in sponsorship into the the swim bank account or to hand over the cash to any of the organisers.

As he and others involved look forward to a great night in Reidy's this Saturday night, spokesman Tony O' Flaherty urged swimmers to get the funds in by this Thursday so that final monies can be totted up and presented to the three recipients. Tony can be contacted at 087-2998634.

Benefiting this year will be the North Tipperary Hospice, the Ray of Sunshine Foundation and Choose Respect, Nenagh.

The swim, now running for 31 years, had to be held on a virtual basis for the past two years during the worst of the pandemic. But the highly popular event returned once again to an in-person event last Christmas Day and hundreds of swimmers and spectators flocked to Youghal Quay to be part of an event that is now an intrinsic part of the festive celebrations in the local community.