The virtual meeting was also attended by An Taoiseach Leo Varadkar.

Concerns over Mid-West healthcare raised at meeting

Managemen and staff at UL Hospitals Group/HSE Mid West Community Healthcare welcome the virtual meeting for TDs and senators facilitated by the Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly on Wednesday, January 11.

This meeting was also attended by An Taoiseach Leo Varadkar.

In the course of a meeting that lasted over two hours, Oireachtas members from Clare, Limerick and Tipperary raised questions on current demands facing acute and community health services in the MidWest and on how the region is planning to meet future demand. Answers were provided by management from UL Hospitals Group, HSE Mid West Community Healthcare and the Acute Hospitals Division of the HSE.

Prof Colette Cowan, CEO, UL Hospitals Group, said: “This was a very valuable engagement initiated by Minister Donnelly. We listened carefully to all concerns raised by Oireachtas members and we look forward to working with all public representatives in better meeting the growing demand for healthcare in the region into the future.

“It was encouraging that the unique core challenges faced by this region in relation to bed capacity and staffing were acknowledged by the Taoiseach, the Minister for Health and by our Public Representatives. We have passed on the thanks of the Taoiseach and the Minister for Health to all staff who have worked long hours to look after patients in very difficult circumstances in recent weeks.”

Maria Bridgeman, Chief Officer, HSE Mid West Community Healthcare, added: “I welcome this opportunity to meet with the Taoiseach, minister and local Oireachtas representatives. Staff working across community services are playing an important role in assisting patients and service users, and I want to join the minister in conveying our thanks for their efforts. I look forward to continuing to work with the government in the further expansion of Community Services across all care divisions, bringing more benefits of the Sláintecare programme to the people of the Mid West.”