Roscrea ready for St Patrick's Day

Local community to hold 43rd parade since 1979

Roscrea Community Development Council’s sub-committee under the Chairmanship of Shane Lee are finalising plans for Roscrea’s 43rd annual St Patrick’s Day Parade, which commences at 3.30pm on Friday, March 17, our National Feast Day.

The organising committee are seeking your participation and support and hope this year to have representation from all community groups in the town to make the 2023 parade a truly community event.

The parade organisers extend a welcome to all those who wish to enter a float in this year’s parade. Float entries are free and while floats are welcome to turn up on the day at the assembly point for the parade, which is on the old Tesco car park (Lourdes Road), the organisers request that, if possible, floats would give details beforehand to Parade Secretary Marie (086 0755680) to facilitate the parade narrative and thus give the float and its organisers due exposure and publicity.

The Organising Committee have decided to give out a cash prize to each winning entry in the following categories: Best Overall Entry: Chamber of Commerce Perpetual Trophy and €200 sponsored by Roscrea Chamber of Commerce; Best Business Float – Lupton & Associates Perpetual Trophy and €100; Best local community group/sports club – Roscrea Tidy Towns Trophy and €100; Special Recognition Award - Roscrea Credit Union Perpetual Trophy and €100; Special Merit Award – St Patrick’s Day Parade Committee and €100. Therefore the committee are urging all entrants to make a special effort in the hope of winning the cash prizes.


In addition to the above prizes, the Adrian Hewson Perpetual Trophy will commence to be awarded this year in honour of one of the founders of the Roscrea Parade Committee, and who chaired many of the Roscrea Parade Committees and was involved in all 43 of the parades, and for a number as Chairperson, Narrator and as Parade Judge. Adrian Hewson passed away suddenly on October 1 last. Adrian was part of the Organising Committee of Junior Chamber Roscrea, who organised the first St Patrick’s Day Parade in 1979 and it has been held every year since with the exception of the Covid years of 2020 and 2021. Adrian’s fellow Junior Chamber member of past years and his friend Ann Ralph is donating a Perpetual Trophy to the Parade Committee in his honour, whom they will award to one of the parade participants each year. This year’s parade in Roscrea will be particularly poignant for many on the parade committee as it will be the first of the 43 consecutive St Patrick’s Day Parades in Roscrea without Adrian’s physical presence, but each of the organisers are quick to point out that Adrian will be with them in spirit for this year’s parade.

The organising committee are also this year holding its annual Shop Window competition with first, second and third prizes, the winners of which will be announced from the Review Stand.

Entry to the parade is free and the organising committee are inviting individuals, groups, organisations, clubs, businesses, novelty items and community interest groups to enter floats and add to the diversity of the parade. For further information or an entry form, contact Shane Lee (086 3296667) or Marie Tooher (086 0755680).