The recently created mural of the silent film-maker Rex Ingram at the junction of Hanly’s Place and Wolfe Tone Terrace by artist Liam Madden. PHOTO: ODHRAN DUCIE

New mural planned for Nenagh

Nenagh Municipal District is proposing to commission a new mural for the town.

The public will be invited through social media to submit ideas for a mural theme for the new gable wall following the completion of works at Emmet Place/Mitchel St. The mural will be procured through companies specialising in co-ordinating the provision of public art.

At last week's district meeting, Cllr Séamie Morris suggested a wildlife theme and a competition for people to enter. He spoke of the high standard of scenic photographs of the local area that people captured during the lockdown.

District Administrator Rosemary Joyce said the town already has themes of music and film between its existing murals at Pound Lane and Hanly's Place. She said the local authority would welcome a different perspective and would see what suggestions come in from the public.