Nenagh Needs its A&E group members after the meeting with An Taoiseach Leo Varadkar. From left: Damian O Donoghue, Tanya McMahon, Kathleen Reidy, Tricia Delaney, Conor Reidy.

‘Significant concessions’ on Nenagh hospital

Mixed emotions for campaign group after meeting with Taoiseach

The ‘Nenagh needs its A&E’ campaign members took their message to the Taoiseach recently after a meeting in the South Court Hotel in Limerick. The group, as part of the Mid-Western Hospital Campaign, had asked for a meeting with Leo Varadkar and he agreed to this. The group expressed mixed emotions following the meeting as there were many issues discussed.

Following the meeting, group member Damian O Donoghue said: “It was a largely positive meeting with a lot of personal stories shared. It was at times emotionally charged.”

Mr O Donoghue went on to say that “the good news is that after our group requested that the Taoiseach upgrade Nenagh hospital, he has committed to doing so. He committed to properly resourcing the MAU unit and the new pathway that sees patients being referred to Nenagh hospital instead of Limerick under certain circumstances.

“He also agreed to look at the possibility of extending the opening hours of the Local Injury clinic, which currently opens from 8am to 8pm.”

The Taoiseach described these as “things we can do now”.

He did, however, say that it was unlikely that a full A&E unit would return to Nenagh hospital, whilst not ruling it out entirely. Obviously, as a group we are encouraged by the potential upgrades to the hospital and the Taoiseach's willingness to work on this. He has agreed to work with the new CEO of the HSE and the Health Minister on how best to upgrade Nenagh hospital. The lack of enthusiasm from the Taoiseach about a full Emergency Department in Nenagh is disappointing, however.”


‘Nenagh needs its A&E’ group member Conor Reidy, who told the story of his father Johnny Reidy in the meeting, has said that “there were significant concessions made by the Taoiseach when he agreed to consider extending the Local Injury clinic opening hours and further resource the new MAU pathway. Unfortunately, the Mid-Western Hospital Campaign and the Taoiseach still have very different views on an Emergency Department in Nenagh.”

In the meeting, Mr Reidy also cited last year's HIQA report that recommends another Emergency Department in the region to support Limerick hospital. He asked the Taoiseach to look at this and follow the report's recommendations.

Another group member who was present at the meeting was Tanya McMahon. She has repeatedly highlighted the overcrowding in Limerick hospital. She said the meeting was “positive, and I'm encouraged by the fact that the Taoiseach said he will sit down with the new HSE CEO and the Minister for Health to work out a plan as to how to upgrade Nenagh hospital. He also said he will get back to the campaign in future and we look forward to getting more done over time.”

In the meeting, the group highlighted the importance of regional Emergency Departments in the Mid-West as a solution to the overcrowding in Limerick.

Following the meeting, the Taoiseach released a statement thanking the group for the “useful” discussion.