Green light for Nenagh tyre centre
New complex on Limerick Road
Tipperary Co Council has granted conditional planning permission for a new tyre centre complex on Nenagh's Limerick Road.
Arra Tyres Ltd has been given the go-ahead for a 2,613 sq m tyre centre complex consisting of service area, office area over two floors and storage areas. The plan also comprises three standalone commercial units of a total combined floor area of 462 sq m, together with a new entrance, access roadway, parking, connection to foul sewer, underground storm attenuation system, public lighting, site services and all related ancillary site works.
The site for this development measures 1.380ha and is located beside Dunnes Stores, opposite the council's Civic Offices. The council's Planning Report notes that permission was refused in 2014 for a licensed discount foodstore with 100 car parking spaces on the site. The local authority opposed the foodstore plan over retail impact on Nenagh's town centre, and also concerns over traffic hazard and design shortcomings with the proposal. An appeal was made and An Bord Pleanála upheld the local authority's decision.
The Arra Tyres application was reviewed by Nenagh Municipal District, which wanted the boundary wall on the Limerick Road set back to provide a minimum three-metre clear corridor to facilitate future Active Travel works. Nenagh Municipal District also sought provision of an electric vehicle charging space, and furthermore the provision of bicycle parking in accordance with the new Tipperary County Development Plan.
The applicant submitted a Noise Impact Assessment and clarified that the planned standalone units are intended for office use. The planner recommended granting permission subject to a number of conditions, among them stipulations over noise levels and hours of operation.