Denis 'Sonny' O'Neill

Crimblin Civil War commemoration

Young army men died near Moneygall

On Sunday next, April 30, a plaque will be unveiled in the townland of Crimblin Big, above Moneygall, to the memory of two young members of the National Army who suffered fatal wounds there during an engagement between a National Army patrol and anti-Treaty fighters in February 1923.

The anti-Treaty men had arrived the previous evening at the Ryan 'Captain' home, having escaped a roundup in the Cureeny are. On the morning of February 28, the house was surrounded and a gun battle took place. During the encounter, four men dashed from the house, led by Denis 'Sonny' O'Neill.

As the men sprinted towards cover, O'Neill fired on the surrounding troops, wounding three of them. Two of those men, Sgt Patrick Byrne from Roscrea and Pvt John Gunning, Birr, died in the following days from their wounds.

Patrick Byrne had been a member of the North Tipperary Flying Column from its formation and had taken the pro-Treaty side in the split. John Gunning had only joined the army the previous week.

This is a non-party political event organised by local people who seek to honour the memory of both men and everyone is welcome to attend. It is hoped that relatives of both sides that took part in the tragic encounter will be in attendance.

The unveiling in Crimblin Big takes place at 2pm and the location will be signposted from Moneygall.