Midwifery services are increasingly moving from the hospital to the community.

All set for International Day of the Midwife

Midwives from University Maternity Hospital Midwife have been preparing for this week’s International Day of the Midwife (Friday, May 5) by visiting local secondary schools to promote midwifery as a career.

The theme this year is ‘Together Again: From Evidence to Reality’ reflecting the efforts of midwives globally to action evidence from major international reports on midwifery towards meaningful change, both for the profession, and the women and families who midwives care for.

It’s a celebration of and focus on the importance of midwifery that calls attention to the improvements needed globally to ensure all pregnant women have access to qualified midwives and appropriate maternity services.

In the run-up to their annual day of commemoration, midwives from UMHL have been reflecting on their careers, with some participating in the outreach events at local school.

Stephanie Ryan, a Clinical Midwife Manager (CMM1) at UMHL said: “The most enjoyable aspect of my role is the opportunity to care for women at such a crucial stage in their lives, it is an honour and privilege.”

Her colleague, Rachel Hannon (acting CMM2), said: “While my day is very busy, and filled with variety, my favourite part is meeting with the women who attend our hospital. I love to chat with them, and it’s a real privilege to ensure that women always feel safe and feel involved in their care. My priority is always to ensure that every woman feels both safe and heard.”

On International Day of the Midwife, UMHL will host a special lunch event where midwifery staff will give presentations on their roles. Commemorative birth certificates will be given to the mums of all babies born in UMHL on the International Day of the Midwife.

Director of Midwifery at UL Hospitals Group, Eileen Ronan, said that few things in life are more important than making sure that each woman and new-born baby has access to the best possible care, before, during and after birth.

“A midwife prepares women and their families for the birth of their new baby, and is a vital presence during all stages of pregnancy, labour and the early postnatal period. As a career, midwifery is diverse and progressive, with options available in clinical, management, education and research roles. Throughout their training, midwives can gain experience and skills across different specialist areas, such as neonatal, theatre, Perinatal Mental health, & Community Midwifery Integrated services.”

Midwifery services are increasingly moving from the hospital to the community. This evolving role has given rise to many opportunities for midwives to develop as professional in clinical specialist roles and Advanced Midwifery Practitioners (RAMPs) in supported care, assisted care pathway , Perinatal mental health services & Neonatal . Midwifery as a career is very rewarding, dynamic and self-fulfilling, and we would encourage students thinking about their career options to consider midwifery.

Ms Ronan concluded: “It’s appropriate that this year in particular, we use the platform of International Day of the Midwife not just to celebrate our successes and the importance of midwifery, but also to remind women of the midwifery care and services that are ever-present at UMHL throughout the extraordinary times we’re living through as a result of COVID-19.”
