The late Nenagh artist, April Lindsay.

An exhibition in April’s memory

Nenagh artist was an inspiration to many

TUS Tipperary and Limerick School of Art and Design will host a poignant exhibition of April Lindsay's work to be launched on the Thurles Campus on May 11.

It is rarely that we get to celebrate the joy, the talent and the passions of loved ones we have lost. There are always memories and objects which hold special meaning. However, artists leave a legacy which endures in a real physical way and through which we can reconnect with their voice and their vision of the world. April Lindsay was such an artist.

April died in 2020 in New York. Her friends and family in Nenagh, Tipperary, America and across the world were, and continue to be, heart-broken by her loss. But many had the good fortune to have pieces of her artwork, from which they have taken comfort.

On May 11 an exhibition of April's work will be launched in the TUS Campus, Thurles. Over 30 pieces have been gathered in a variety of genres and styles. The exhibition ‘Inspired by April’ is open to the public and will run until June 11.

The visual experience we get from these paintings recalls a memory of light, weather, and landscape, they give a feeling of place, of being alert to our surroundings.

Although they seem abstract on initial appearance, they are always about seeing and grasping the landscape up close in all its guises, the grey of the changing sky, the red texture of the natural world or the hushed blue of an oncoming shower.

These paintings invite the viewer to slow down in today’s fluxed world, and to capture the stillness of a moment, a place where the eyes can rest against the stream of the online world and enjoy the beauty of colour within our outdoor surroundings.

All are welcome to attend the launch at 7pm on May 11, in-person or online through Eventbrite. You can also come and view the exhibition between May 11 and June 11 on the TUS Campus. Follow us on Instagram,