Members of the Irish Chamber Orchestra perform in Nenagh Arts Centre on Saturday, June 24

Irish Chamber Orchestra to perform in Nenagh

Irish Chamber Orchestra (ICO), directed by the very charismatic Katherine Hunka, will perform in Nenagh Arts Centre on Saturday, June 24.

Katherine has been Leader of ICO since 2002 and has toured Europe, China, and Singapore to great success. Her 2020 CD of works by Piazzolla and Schubert with the ICO received glowing reviews. Katherine is known to engage with audiences throughout her colourful programmes.

Jessie Montgomery is one of America’s fine young composers. Irish Chamber Orchestra performs her popular work ‘Strum’. It is filled with rhythmic vitality, which propels it from its nostalgic first moments to its ecstatic and dramatic ending.

Samuel Barber, ‘Adagio for Strings’ remains one of the most recognizable and best loved classical works. It was performed at Roosevelt's and John F. Kennedy’s funerals and its enduring popularity saw it feature in movies such as Platoon, The Elephant Man and Lorenzo’s Oil. It’s all part of the programme in Nenagh.

Irish Chamber Orchestra (ICO) is renowned for its breath-taking performances that brim with verve and originality. ICO pushes the boundaries of what a chamber orchestra can do whether performing at Electric Picnic or Mozartfest. Don’t miss an opportunity to hear one of Ireland’s cultural gems perform at the Nenagh Arts Centre, on June 24.