A happy group showing the funds of €5,640 collected for the Irish Motor Neurone Disease Association, a fundraiser organished in memory of Nenagh woman Katie Ryan, who died from the disease. From left: Brigid Delaney (Katie’s sister), Adam Ryan (Katie’s son), Mairéad Long (friend/organiser), Tom Ryan (Katie’s husband) and Megan Ryan (Katie’s daughter).

Katie’s Memorial Walk

On Saturday, March 25, a group met at the Revenue Offices for a walk and to celebrate the life of their lovely friend Katie Ryan, of Hawthorns, Nenagh, whose untimely death took place a year earlier from Motor Neurone Disease.

We are sure Katie, who had worked in the Revenue Commissioners in Nenagh, brought the sun out for us on the day.  A huge crowd gathered.  It was great to see so many of  the extended families of Katie and her husband Tom join us on the day.

There was a very solemn atmosphere about the place at first, but then the sound of laughter took over as people started to reminisce about the good old days with Katie.

It was a tough day for Tom, and Katie’s son and daughter, Megan and Adam, and sister Brigid, but they appreciated and got solace from the effort everyone made to be there on the day.

Staff from Revenue who took part in the event also remembered their late colleague Andy Minogue and his family on the day, along with our colleague Noreen Leahy, who is fighting this horrible disease at the moment.

Our thoughts and prayers were also with Nenagh's Mairéad Gill, who has also since died from the disease, and her family. Also, we remembered Ger McCarthy, a friend and neighbour of Katie, who had passed away the night before the walk.

Katie’s first anniversary Mass took place the same evening in St Mary of the Rosary Church.  It was lovely that a lot of people stayed around for the Mass. Others that were not able to be at the walk were able to attend the Mass.

We would like to thank all the people who helped to make Katie’s Memorial Walk such a success this year again.  The final count for our collection was €5,640, which has been presented to the Irish Motor Neurone Disease Association.

This amount reflects Katie’s lovely nature and kindness to everyone she met. We all miss you, Katie. Rest in peace.