Whispers of Nature, oil and cold wax on linen by Nenagh artist Josephine Geaney.

Whispers of Nature in Nenagh

Launch of Josephine Geaney’s new work this Friday

John G O'Dwyer, author and chairperson of the Tipperary Tourism Company, will officially open Nenagh artist Josephine Geaney’s new exhibition at Nenagh Arts Centre this Friday, August 25, at 6pm.

Titled ‘Echoes of the Mountain’, this exhibition is representative of the landscape of Josephine’s native Tipperary and the folklore attached to it. Her creative journey is her passion and exploration of the infinite possibilities that paint, and materials offer. Each layer of colour is a visceral expression of her deep connection to the art of painting.

In her practice Josephine finds a profound love for the interplay between cold wax and oil paint, which has become an essential element in her artistic process. Cold wax, with its thick creamy consistency adds a tactile quality to her work, inviting the viewer to engage with the surfaces that breathe life into the art works. The fusion of these two mediums provides a dynamic interplay between opacity and translucency, roughness and smoothness, resulting in a harmonious visual symphony that evokes a sense of wonder and contemplation, transporting the viewer into a realm of sensory engagement, where they can immerse themselves in the interplay of colour, textures and forms.

Josephine’s paintings reveal a harmonious blend of colour and texture capturing the essence of her native surroundings. She invites the viewer to experience the magnificence of nature, evoking a sense of wonder and reverence for the world around them. Her compositions often feature the interlay of light and shadow, revealing the ever-changing moods of the landscape. Josephine’s work primarily revolves around her native region. However, her connection to her birthplace remains a constant source of inspiration continually fuelling her creative endeavours. She hopes that her paintings invite the viewer to embark on their own personal journey of exploration, reflection and connection, guided by the luminous power of paint and the transformative potential of art.


Born in Nenagh, Josephine grew up surrounded by the breathtaking beauty of the county. The stunning forests, lakes, majestic mountains and the ever-changing hues of the sky deeply influenced her artistic sensibilities from an early age.

Her artistic journey began formally when she enrolled in Limerick School of Art and Design, achieving a BA (Hons) Degree in 2008 and also achieving the Collector Generals award and medal for fine art painting. Inspired by the works of contemporary artists Gerhard Richter, Peter Doig, and Edward Hopper, Josephine delved into creating thought-provoking paintings.

One of her defining characteristics as an artist is her ability to evoke a wide range of emotions through her work. Her pieces often explore themes of identity, memory and the human condition. Drawing inspiration from the world around her, the viewer is invited to engage in introspection and reflection.

Over the years, Josephine has taken part in numerous solo and group exhibitions both nationally and internationally. She has been awarded several residencies and awards, and her work has been featured in prominent galleries, gathering critical acclaim and capturing the attention of art enthusiasts and collectors. Josephine’s portfolio displays her versatility and commitment to pushing artistic boundaries. Her artistic process embraces experimentation and is constantly exploring new techniques and materials, pushing the limits of her creativity. Through her work, she aims to inspire viewers to see the world from a different perspective.

As a testament to her artistic prowess Josephine Geaney’s work can be found in private collections and public institutions. Website: josephinegeaneyartist.com. Facebook: Josephine Geaney artist. Instagram: jogeaney.