The We Are Still Here Sean Ross Abbey Group Ireland have welcomed the commencement of ground scans on a parcel of land adjacent to the Angels’ Plot at the former mother and baby home Sean Ross Abbey in Roscrea.

Ground scans begin at Sean Ross Abbey

The We Are Still Here Sean Ross Abbey Group Ireland have welcomed the commencement of ground scans on a parcel of land adjacent to the Angels’ Plot at the former mother and baby home Sean Ross Abbey in Roscrea.

The scans got underwayon Monday, October 9, and mark a significant milestone in the pursuit of answers regarding undocumented burials at the former mother and baby home.

Speaking at the commencement of the scans, Teresa Collins said: “Today is a day that those seeking answers to decade-long questions have been waiting for.

“According to the Commission of Investigation, the total number of infant deaths having occurred at Sean Ross Abbey was 1078. However, it is not feasible to conclude that all burials occurred in the relatively confined space of the Angels’ Plot.

“Furthermore, there is a wealth of local knowledge to conclude that given how the relatively small area within the Angels’ Plot did not serve the burial needs over the decades, the land adjacent to the plot was used to facilitate further burials, and could be considered as a natural extension to the original plot known as the Angels’ Plot.

“It should also be noted that this area was initially considered for investigation by the Commission of Investigation. But, as the area was, at the time, under separate ownership, it was not covered by the Mother and Baby Homes Commission of Investigation (MBHCOI) warrant and so was excluded in the course of investigation.

“That is no longer an issue now that the examinations we have applied for are independent of the MBHCOI and have the approval and support of landowner Tony Donlan, who we thank for accommodating us throughout this whole process.

“Following the publication of the Commission of Investigation’s report, Deputy Martin Browne continuously approached Minister for Children, Disability, Integration and Youth, Roderic O’Gorman, making the case for further ground scans.

“In the time that followed, we engaged regularly with the Department’s Memorialisation and Historic Burials Unit and with Tipperary County Council who assisted us in throughout the process.

“After prolonged engagement we secured funding to carry out these works, and today (Monday) sees those efforts coming to fruition.

“Precision Utility Mapping have been chosen to carry out the works. Their attentiveness to our needs and the sensitivity with which they are treating the project must be acknowledged, and we thank them for this.

“Of course, the results of the scans will be significant, and while we cannot predict whether remains will be discovered or not, it is important that we make this effort to shed more light on the history of Sean Ross Abbey Mother and Baby Home, for all those who went through it or were affected in any way by the practices that went on there.

“We hope to have the results of the scans in the weeks to come.Once those results are through, we will consider them carefully and will engage with Minister O’Gorman’s office about the way forward.”