Presentation from Marion Flanagan (Chairperson BOM) to Brendan Hanamy.

Principal Brendan bows out

On Friday, September 29, Scoil Chrónáin Naofa, Dromakeenan, hosted the retirement ceremony for Principal Brendan Hanamy. A packed school hall welcomed Mr Hanamy with cheers, clapping and lots of high-fives as he came into the hall and joined his wife Barbara and his parents, Jimmy and Agnes who surprised him by attending on the day.

Master of Ceremonies, teacher, Veronica Crowley introduced each class group who performed music, song and poetry to a wonderfully, high standard. Deputy Principal, Mr Paul Maher, read an account of Mr Hanamy’s teaching career, which culminated in the last 19 years spent as Principal in Scoil Chrónáin Naofa. He spoke of Mr Hanamy’s vision, energy and constant pursuit of excellence in extending and developing the school buildings, grounds and facilities but also in building strong, empathetic and positive relationships with staff, parents and pupils. Beautiful bouquets of flowers were presented to Mrs Barbara Hanamy, and to Mrs Agnes Hanamy, Brendan’s mother. The wonderful, musical performances of the various classes were interspersed with various presentations. Chairperson of the Parents Association, Mrs Catherine Gowing, praised Mr Hanamy for having an open door policy where all parents were welcome to call in to discuss any concerns at any time. She highlighted that Scoil Chrónáin Naofa welcomed all children of all abilities and was an inclusive school.

The Students’ Council representatives read a poignant poem and at assembly that morning the school community had presented Mr Hanamy with a beautiful painting of a ‘Tree of Knowledge’, which had thumb prints of all pupils and staff on the branches, depicting autumnal leaves. Chairperson of the Board of Management, Marion Flanagan, was lavish in her praise of this inspirational school leader who had led the school to the exemplary institution it is today and who she said had made a difference in so many young lives with his positivity and his sense of fun. She wished him a long, happy, healthy and fulfilled retirement with his family.

Brendan Hanam then addressed the packed hall, expressing his gratitude firstly to his parents, Jimmy and Agnes, who instilled in him a love of learning, and then to his wife Barbara for her endless support and to his children Dara and Conor. Mr Hanamy went on to thank Fr Antun who was in attendance and all the local clergy, his school staff, the various Boards of Management and Parents’ Associations and school secretary, Deirdre Bergin and the pupils.

Míle buíochas is go mba fada buan tú, Mr Hanamy. Go maire tú céad.