The webinar will take place on Tuesday, October 31, at 6.30pm and feature special guest, Wild Youth’s Conor O’Donohue.

Webinar on living with a brain tumour

A free webinar is being organised by Brain Tumour Ireland to mark International Brain Tumour Awareness Week (October 28 to November 4).

The free webinar, 'Brain Wise: living well with a brain tumour', will take place on Tuesday, October 31, at 6.30pm and feature special guest, Wild Youth’s Conor O’Donohue. Conor’s mum, Jackie, sadly passed away arising from a brain tumour in 2011. Conor will speak about how he navigated that time and how his mum continues to inspire him.

We will also have contributions from a dietitian on eating well following treatment for a brain tumour and from a social worker and occupational therapist on managing relationships at a time of great emotional trauma.

It is estimated that there are over 150 types of brain tumour, with latest figures from the National Cancer Registry (2018-2020), showing that there are approximately 823 people diagnosed with a brain, or other central nervous system tumour, in Ireland each year.

Brain tumour symptoms can include headache, visual problems, speech difficulties, seizures, personality changes, memory loss, nausea and vomiting, and I would always encourage readers to visit their GP if they have concerns.

For full information on all the events taking place as part of International Brain Tumour Awareness Week, and to register for the webinar, visit