Timothy Ryan from Tyone is pictured alongside his Christmas tree titled ‘Cycling Home for Christmas’. His tree was the winner of the individual category at the popular festival.

Thank you, one and all

The 2023 Nenagh Christmas Tree Festival was a great success and we appreciate all those who put in trees and displays and all those who came to see them.

We also thank Father Pat from St Mary of the Rosary for joining in and adding so much to the service and for his kind words. After the carol service, several things happened, including the presentation of a generous cheque to the Nenagh Community Food Bank along with all the food donated by the major grocery stores and by the school groups who came through on special morning tours.

Also, prizes were awarded to the winners of the various categories plus the best all-round winner, as voted on by you at the festival.

In the Individual category, the prize went to Tim Ryan for ‘Cycling Home for Christmas’. For best Business or Retail entry, the prize went to Twenty-Six Eclectic Mix for its ‘Christmas Fairy House’. The tree ‘From Trash to Treasure’ won for St Vincent de Paul and the winner of the overall choice was ‘Milking It for Christmas’ from the Gortlandroe Veterinary Clinic.

Once again, a big thanks to all who made this important part of Christmas in Nenagh happen.