The people of Nenagh were startled and alarmed between one and two o’ clock on Christmas night 1923 by loud shouts of ‘fire’ - an article from our archives.

Nenagh shop blaze a century ago

The following article on a blaze in a shop in Kenyon Street Nenagh appeared in our issue of December 29 1923. The proprietors, as you will see, had a lucky escape......

The people of Nenagh were startled and alarmed between one and two o’ clock on Christmas night by loud shouts of ‘fire’ and by kicking and rapping at doors and windows, particularly in the region of the Market Cross. The news rapidly spread that John McGrath’s house in Kenyon Street was on fire. Willing helpers to fight the flames gathered rapidly from all quarters. A party of men immediately hastened to the Military Barracks where the Urban Council’s fire engine was stored. The engine was brought without delay to the scene of the fire but on arrival some of the connections were found missing. However, under the supervision of Mr Harry Bradshaw who had early come on the scene, the matter was put right, the hose lines attached to the hydrants and any number of willing hands soon had the engine playing a strong steady stream of water on the burning shop and whatever flame shot up.

When the first alarm was given by some passerby, who noticed smoke and flame issuing from the shop, Mr and Mrs McGrath were roused, and they succeeded in making their way safely through at some risk, out through a skylight and down the back.

All the neighbours in Kenyon Street, including the Fogarty family, Messrs P. Hayes, A. Boland, P.J. Ryan, Joe Ryan, T. Whealey, M. Hogan and John Vaughan, etc., gave not alone immediate assistance in fighting the fire, but helped to save the store and the stock and provide refreshments to those who assisted.

Next morning great numbers visited the scene. The shop front is blackened, badly burned, the windows gone, and the place is now completely shuttered up. In a few weeks, however, it will probably be possible for Mr McGrath to have such repairs executed as will enable him to resume business.