Cahill to highlight VAT rebates issue
Fianna Fáil TD and Chairperson of the Oireachtas Agriculture Committee, Jackie Cahill has tabled a motion for discussion at this evening’s Fianna Fáil Parliamentary Party meeting on the topic of VAT rebates for farmers who are not registered for VAT. This motion has already received the support of twelve other members of the Fianna Fáil Parliamentary Party who have asked Deputy Cahill to add their names as co-sponsors of the motion.
Deputy Cahill is calling on the Finance Minister to amend the relevant legislation governing VAT rebates that would see the Revenue Commissioners being clearly directed to follow the long-standing interpretation of the rebates system.
Deputy Cahill said: “I am glad that my motion has been accepted onto the agenda for this evening’s Fianna Fáil Parliamentary Party meeting. It will call on our Finance Minister, Michael McGrath, to amend the relevant legislation to make it clear to the Revenue Commissioners that the original interpretation of the law governing VAT rebates should still be followed.
“The Revenue Commissioners had followed one single interpretation of how VAT rebates for unregistered farmers operated for over 50 years. That interpretation changed suddenly last year without any direction by either Government or our Parliament. That is wrong in my view.
“I appreciate that the Revenue Commissioners are independent, however, taking such a drastic change in interpretation of existing legislation is tantamount to an entire policy change, something that the Revenue Commissioners should not have the power to do. That responsibility lies with our Government and Parliament.
“I look forward to bringing this motion to our meeting this evening and I am strongly encouraged by all the support I have received to date from my Fianna Fáil colleagues on this issue.”