Aerial view of Nenagh taken by Ger Doyle.

A new plan for Nenagh

A new development plan for Nenagh will come into effect on March 25 next.

The Nenagh & Environs Local Area Plan 2024 - 2030 was adopted at last week's meeting of Tipperary Co Council. It will replace the 2013 plan.

There was extensive public consultation on the draft Local Area Plan, including 37 submissions on the first draft and a further 11 on the proposed amendments.

The council's planning staff was commended on the amount of work put into the new blueprint, though Cllr Séamie Morris sounded a word of caution over the population projections. He said the council was "trying to do the right thing" by putting a development plan in place based on census population figures.

"Yet, overnight, the Government can throw that out the window," he said, mentioning the adding of new populations into local towns under emergency powers. This is something the council has no control over and there would be consequences, he warned.