The Family Mediation Service provides free mediation to families who have undergone a divorce, separation or living apart. Photo: Conor McCabe Photography

Free mediation to families undergoing a divorce or separation

New call-back service

The Family Mediation Service at the Legal Aid Board has announced the launch of a new call-back service on its website. Offering free mediation to all families, this new call back service will allow individuals in Tipperary to make first contact with the Family Mediation Service.

The Family Mediation Service offers assistance to all families, including married, cohabiting, and same-sex couples. It provides free mediation to families who have undergone a divorce, separation or living apart, as well as those navigating challenges in the aftermath of these decisions, in the areas of parenting, finances, and the family home.

Director of the Family Mediation Service, Fiona McAuslan, said: “Looking at the courts data, we have seen a 71% increase in divorce in the High Court since 2017. As we know, the breakdown of a marriage or relationship brings Tipperary families into an unexpected and unplanned journey of change and transition. It is a stressful and difficult time, with many Tipperary people underestimating the challenges that such a transition brings.

“Our Family Mediation Service is your partner in building a plan for your brighter tomorrow. This service empowers you to navigate disputes through understanding, communication and compassion. Through understanding, we provide guidance towards harmonious resolutions that prioritises everyone’s well-being. Through communication, we are committed to facilitating respectful conversations that enable families to work together. And through compassion, we help families in Tipperary lay stronger foundations for healthier relationships in the future.

“In particular, we have found that decisions taken together during the mediation process are more likely to be honoured by both sides going forward. By contacting us on our new call back service, you can start the journey of building a plan for your better tomorrow, with our staff on hand and ready to help. In short, your call, our support.”

During mediation sessions, both parties meet with a professionally trained mediator. Each party is given an opportunity to express their perspectives, concerns and desires. Then, the mediator starts to create an environment of good faith, co-operation and responsibility. They also look to identify and build a common ground. Through active listening and strategic questioning, the mediator helps the parties to communicate effectively. This enables couples to talk to through difficult issues, creating the space for them to arrive at decisions together. This in turn helps families reach a final agreement that both parties find acceptable.

A particular area that the Family Mediation Service focuses on is the impact on children. To this end, court data states that there has been a 14% increase in family law cases in the District Court since 2020. Ms McAuslan emphasises the importance of managing a family change in way that protects the best interests of their children:

“Of course, no parent in Tipperary wants to have to give their children news that will be painful to hear. What we have found in our service is that it is not the divorce, separation or living apart itself that is the most affecting to children, but the emotional impact of changes in their home life. Through our parenting plans, you can agree how best to share time with the children, how to manage responsibilities, and how to make decisions about the children that takes into account the child’s needs and interests. School arrangements, child care, holidays- even pocket money can all be part of these parenting plans.”

Ms Mc Auslan concludes with advice for families in Tipperary. “When we are experiencing a divorce, separation or living apart, it can be a very confusing and difficult place to be. It can feel that there is no way to work everything out. The most important thing to realise is that the issues that you are arguing about can be resolved, and you completely have the ability to resolve them together.

My second piece of advice is to remain calm and walk away from the argument if needed. Try and bring down the heat in the situation. Things can get stressful, and you can always take a moment to catch a breath.”


The call-back feature for the Family Mediation Service at the Legal Aid Board can be accessed at