Cattle shot at Killoscully

Gardaí are appealing for witness information following an incident in which a cow and a bull were shot in the Killoscully area last weekend.

The cow was killed while the bull was injured, though it is understood that the animal will have to be put down as a result of the injury. A bullet has been recovered and sent for forensic examination. The scene of the shooting has also been examined.

The incident happened at an as-yet undetermined time between Friday, April 5 and Sunday, April 7, at Lackabrack, Killoscully. The area is regularly frequented by deer-hunters.

Gardaí are also seeking witnesses to an attempted burglary reported at a house in Moneygall village around 3am last Monday. CCTV footage is being harvested as part of this investigation.

Another house was broken into at New Line, Roscrea, between 10am and 11am on Thursday last. Again, gardaí are appealing for anyone with relevant information to make contact with them.