Boat users should ensure they carry sufficient fuel for their journey.

Lifeboat assists stricken cruiser on Lough Derg

On Wednesday, Valentia Coast Guard requested Lough Derg RNLI lifeboat to launch to assist three people on a 26ft cruiser with engine failure and at anchor in Youghal Bay, east of Garrykennedy Harbour.

At 5.34pm Lough Derg RNLI lifeboat Jean Spier launched with helm Dom Sharkey, crew Eleanor Hooker, Chris Parker and Joe O’Donoghue on board. The wind was north-westerly, Force 3 to 4. Visibility was good.

At 5.41pm the lifeboat located the casualty vessel at the location given. The casual-ty vessel’s anchor was holding. An RNLI volunteer boarded the vessel and deter-mined all on board were safe and unharmed and wearing their lifejackets.

Given the location, the deteriorating weather conditions and the casualty vessel’s proximity to Garrykennedy, the safest close harbour, the helm made the decision to take the casualty vessel under an astern tow to the harbour. The lifeboat helm in-formed Valentia Coast Guard of this decision.

The casualty vessel was safely tied alongside at 6.08pm. The lifeboat departed the scene and was back at station at 6.31pm.

Aoife Kennedy, Launching Authority at Lough Derg RNLI, advises boat users to ‘carry sufficient fuel for your journey, and if you find yourself in difficulty, dial 999 or 112 and ask for the Coast Guard’.

This was the second callout in consecutive days after it assisted six people on a 31ft cruiser with engine failure on the west shore of Lough Derg between Williamstown and Drummaan.