The 20th anniversary of World Blood Donor Day.

20 years promoting safe blood donation

World Blood Donor Day 2024

The theme of this year’s World Blood Donor Day (WBDD) is 20 years of celebrating giving . The 20th anniversary of World Blood Donor Day is an excellent and timely opportunity to thank blood donors across the world for their life-saving donations over the years and honour the profound impact on both patients and donors. Marking the 20th anniversary of WBDD, iconic buildings and landmark sites in Dublin and around the country will “go RED” for WBDD on 14th June 2024. WBDD is a World Health Organisation initiative to promote voluntary unremunerated blood donation across the World.

“Over the last 20 years World Blood Donor Day has focused attention on the critical need for safe blood for patients across the World. The summer period is a particular challenge for all blood transfusion services as there is a decline in attendance at clinics over the Summer months. This year, the IBTS has set itself a target of recruiting 15,000 new donors in 2024 to expand the current donor base.

“World Blood Donor Day is also an opportunity for us to say a huge thank you to all of those donors who make a safe blood supply possible,” said Stephen Cousins, National Donor Services Manager.