Liam O’Callaghan of North Tipp Wheelers passing through Coolbawn on the Tour of Lough Derg 2024. Photo: Coolbawn Cross Photography

Successful Tour De Lough Derg

North Tipperary Wheelers were delighted to host the 2024 Tour De Lough Derg last Sunday. The weather was ideal for a perfect day for cycling. About 70 cyclists headed of from the picturesque lakeside village of Garrykennedy and headed clockwise around Lough Derg passing through Ballina/Killaloe, Tuamgraney and Mountshannon before stopping for refreshments in Whitegate. From there it was on for Gorteeney, Portumna, Terryglass and Puckaun before skirting the outskirts of Nenagh and heading back to Larkin’s in Garrykennedy for some well-earned refreshments.

There was some very good race-like cycling particularly in the leading bunch who averaged 37.3km per hour over the 122km route with 822m of climbing thrown in for good measure. This year’s chosen charity partner was North Tipperary Hospice. The club extend their thanks to all the stewards, marshals, first aiders, guards, participants and other road users for their assistance and patience.