The change will take place from the end of September. Photo: O Ducie

Opening hours update at Nenagh Hospital

Deputy Michael Lowry has been updated on details on when the Medical Assessment Unit in Nenagh will be open for extended hours from the end of September.

Having raised the matter at the Joint Committee on Public Petitions and the Ombudsman, Deputy Lowry has been informed by Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly that the opening hours of the MidWest region’s three units, namely Nenagh, Ennis and St John’s, will be further extended on a phased basis throughout 2024.

This will begin with an extension of opening hours from 8am to midnight by the end of Quarter 3 2024.

In correspondence received this week, the HSE says it is working within established structures to engage with staff representatives and plan for the extension of the Medical Assessment Unit services to 24-hour operations.

The HSE has advised of the establishment of a Regional Improvement Programme Board to ensure that the measures announced in April – including the expansion of the MAU services – are implemented in a timely manner.