The guide for the evening is OHS committee member John Flannery. Photo: Bridget Delaney

Ormond Historical Society field trip in Nenagh

The next Ormond Historical Society field trip takes place on Monday, August 19, next.

The venue is Nenagh town centre and is the Society's contribution to National Heritage Week. In keeping with this year’s Heritage Week theme – Connections, Routes and Networks – we will explore the route of Nenagh’s first street, which ran from the castle to the Franciscan Abbey, now incorporated into O'Rahilly St, Pearse St and Abbey St. Join us as we explore the history and events of the path travelled by the town’s earliest citizens.

The tour starts at 7pm (sharp) in the O’Rahilly St car park. We will follow the line of the street along Abbey St as we recall former residents and events on our way to the ruins of the Franciscan Friary, the final resting place of many Nenagh families. The guide for the evening is OHS committee member John Flannery.

This event is open to all and is free of charge. Please note the earlier than usual start time of 7pm sharp. Looking forward to you joining us as we look at aspects of our fascinating and often turbulent history.