It will be visible from Ireland.

SuperMoon on Monday night

Astronomy Ireland are urging everyone to get out and see the SuperMoon this week, especially on Monday, but the view on Tuesday will almost be as good too. This is a rare Blue SuperMoon which will be visible from Ireland.

"Full Moons at this time of year are extremely low in the sky which is perfect for photos lining up landmarks, people, events for the whole night! So we especially want people to get creative Monday and Tuesday evenings from sunset on and catch the very rare SuperMoon Blue Moon from Ireland and send their photos in for publication in Astronomy Ireland magazine where they will be archived for all time in the National Libraries of both Ireland and Great Britain, as well as being shared with thousands of Irish readers across the island!" said David Moore, Editor of Astronomy Ireland magazine.

"The best time to watch is at Moon rise, which is the same time the Sun sets, when a further effect, called 'The Moon Illusion' kicks in which can make the Moon 'look' even bigger to the human eye/brain combination," said Mr Moore.

SUPERMOON: The Moons distance from the Earth can vary by 15% which causes a change in brightness of 30% when a Full Moon happens around the time that the Moon is closest to Earth it is called a SuperMoon.There will be four Supermoons in a row this year, more about those later this year!

SUPER BLUEMOON: To have a Blue Moon occur at the same time that the Full Moon is a SuperMoon is exceedingly rare. This won't happen again until 2037. So we'll have to wait another 8 years for the next Super Blue Moon.

This makes the sight of a Super BlueMoon an extremely rare event.

Astronomy Ireland magazine is asking people to send photos or written comments of their observation for publication in a special review of the event, see