At the recent meeting - back row: Liam Grimes, Age Friendly Roscrea (AFR), Olivia Quinn (respiratory nurse), Sarah Cunneen (respiratory physiotherapist), Mary MacMahon (AFR). Front row: Eileen O’Dwyer, Mary Reid, Nancy Carey. Photo: PJ Wright

Meeting on COPD

Age Friendly Roscrea had Sarah Cunneen, Respiratory Specialist Physiotherapist, and her team from the respiratory unit in Nenagh visited us for a talk on breathlessness and how to manage your anxiety around this. There was excellent advice from the team and people had the opportunity to ask questions.

We hope to start a COPD Support Group in the next few weeks which will be beneficial to those with a diagnosis of COPD.

If you are interested in being part of the support group, please contact us at Age Friendly Roscrea for details. 050522550 or 0894682164 or