Monsignor Jim Costigan. RIP.

A good and faithful servant

The unexpected death at his residence of Monsignor Jim Costigan on Sunday, September 1, last came as a great shock to his family and also to the parishioners of Templemore, Clonmore and Killea.

Msgr Jim had endeared himself to all in his easy, happy approach to life, his zeal and energy for the pastoral ministry in Templemore, and also available to assist in Roscrea cluster of Parishes. Indeed, he loved to return to his native Clonakenny to celebrate Mass and also celebrate Mass at Patterson’s Nursing home and the Dean Maxwell home in Roscrea.

Msgr Jim was born on April 9, 1942, ordained to the priesthood on June 8, 1968 for the Diocese of Savannah, Georgia. He was greatly cherished and loved in all the parishes he served in. He loved his priesthood and gave wonderful commitment and service to the Diocese and the people of God.

When he celebrated his golden jubilee in 2018, he stated in an interview: “Priesthood to me is presence. When I was ordained and called to be a priest, I responded to my name on that ordination day as Present and my life has been one of responding and presence to all people at all the important moments of their lives when sickness, the death of a loved one, baptisms, marriages or moments of crisis occur.

“This is when the priest is present and representing Christ to people in a unique and special way, and that continues in my life. I don’t ever see a time in my life even in semi-retirement that I will cease to be present to people and bring them the presence and consolation of the priesthood of Christ as somehow present. I enjoy doing that and want to continue as long as I am able to do it.”


Msgr Jim loved to return each year to visit his family, to enjoy a relaxed time with friends, to share the Irish hospitality and appreciate once again the 40 shades of green in the beauty of the Golden Vale. Through the courtesy of Archbishop Kieran O’Reilly, he returned to the Diocese of Cashel and Emly to minister in Templemore with Fr Francis, Fr Dominic and Fr Conor.

He was a good team player, cherished and respected by his fellow priests in Templemore, who will miss his company, his friendship and his availability to assist in so many positive ways. We thank God for the gift of his priesthood to the church in Savannah, and in Cashel and Emly. His ministry touched the lives of so many and leaves beautiful, treasured memories to God’s people at home and in Savannah.

Msgr Jim’s funeral Mass was celebrated on Thursday, September 5, in the Sacred Heart Church, Templemore, the chief celebrant and preacher was Bishop Stephen Parkes, Bishop of Savannah Diocese, with Archbishop Kieran O’Reilly of Cashel and Emly, and retired bishop of Savannah, Bishop Kevin Boland, with 16 priests concelebrating. His burial took place in Clonakenny where he was laid to rest with his family as was his request. Msgr Jim is mourned by his brother Tom, sisters Elizabeth and Margaret, his sisters-in-law Mary and Margaret, brother-in-law Michael, nephews, nieces, grandnephews, grandnieces, parishioners of Templemore, Clonmore and Killea, good friends in the Diocese of Savannah and here at home, and his fellow priests. As we mourn his loss, we rejoice in thanksgiving for the gift of his priesthood and friendship – “Well done, Jim. A good and faithful servant.”