The Sensory Room and Garden area beside the Community Centre, Newport.

Sensory room project making good progress in Newport

A sensory room and garden, the like that communities in few other areas in the country have the facility of, is progressing towards completion with the support of the local community.

The work has been undertaken by the local Development Association (Newport) CLG, on an area of undeveloped space at Newport Community Centre, Clonbealy,

The development was commenced last year after the Development Association identified a lack of services in the Newport and surrounding areas for children and adults with sensory needs outside of school and business hours.

They set about filling the void, realising that with the magnificent new Town Park being a great facility and addition to the town, but it can become busy and for families with some children and adults with sensory needs, this can become overwhelming for them, and they may be unable to enjoy the benefits of playing and socialising outdoors.

The intention is that the ‘Sensory Community Room and Garden’ will become “a peaceful place to play and relax” within the community. The project is being located on an area of under developed ground beside the Community Centre.

The intention is that the Sensory Room and Garden will provide a tranquil setting to ease away some of the pressure of everyday life for families. A lot of thought and planning has been put into the design and fitting out of the area.

“When thoughtfully designed, the garden can even appeal to all five sensesa practice referred to as a sensory garden. This growing trend allows for a better connection with nature, as well as creating a space designed to promote mindfulness and reduce stress”, aptly describes the project.

Mary Cussen, secretary, Development Association (Newport) CLG, explained that the completion of the planned development, which involves and overall expenditure of around €60,000, is now within sight and progress towards completion is now dependent on finalising the fundraising.

There was a large turnout for the annual Family Fun Day at the Community Centre on Sunday, the proceeds from which is going towards the completion of the Sensory Room and Garden.

The programme included a variety of side shows and entertainment, a BBQ, and music and dance for which the weather on Sunday afternoon provided the perfect carpet of beautiful September weather.