The Templemore, Clonmore, Killea Folk Group who sang on the Sunday Mass programme on RTÉ radio.

Television debut for Templemore Folk Group

There was a great buzz and sense of excitement in the town square on Sunday week last as the members of Templemore, Clonmore, Killea Folk Group gathered at 5.45am to board the bus to Dublin to perform live for Sunday Mass at Studio 5 in RTÉ.

When this venture was first suggested back in the springtime, many thought that our musical director Anne Marie was over-estimating the ability of the group.

However, with plenty of hard work and determination, the group were now ready, willing and able to perform in the studio in front of the TV cameras.

A final roll call was taken just before 6am and once everyone was onboard, along with the all important folders, the bus set off for Montrose.

Many thanks to Aidan Johnston for his careful navigation through the early morning city traffic to bring the group safely to RTÉ.

On arrival there were staff members to greet the group and show them to the Green Room. As there was little time to spare before rehearsal, the sandwiches and other refreshments provided by Siobhan O'Connell and Siobhan Stapleton went down a treat at this stage. Thanks to the two ladies for feeding the troops and ensuring that energy levels were replenished before the rehearsal.


Soon it was time to head for a full rehearsal. Everyone knew their positions from the hectic practice schedule in the previous weeks and there was a lovely sense of calm in the studio. It was intriguing to see how it all worked, as the rehearsal was stopped and re-started numerous times to allow messages to come from upstairs into the floor manager’s earpiece. Once the staff were happy with everything and all microphones were set up, it was back to the green room to chill out for a little while before the off.

Back again to the studio and we all lined up in waiting for the theme music to run. Fr Hayes made his way up the aisle to the melodious tones of the entrance hymn and proceedings were underway. Folk group members together with Fr Hayes performed all the duties during the mass, from music and singing including the two soloists, Ben and Niamh, to readings, prayers, reflection and offertory procession. It was a wonderful team effort, each member having a valuable role to play. Thanks to Fr Hayes for all his work and for leading the group in such a beautiful Mass. He played a central role in the ceremony and was very professional in his approach.


The musicians deserve special mention for their role on the day. They worked so hard in the weeks leading up to the mass to have all the pieces note perfect. This group of young people, second and third level students, were an absolute credit to the parish and it was an amazing opportunity for them to showcase their fabulous talent. The musicians on the day were Gillian Fogarty, Katie Johnston, Caroline Johnston, Caroline Cormack, Jennifer Cormack and Paul Cormack. There was a noticeable absence on the day, when Sinead Towey was ill and unavailable to line out. Another noted absence on the day was the oldest member of the folk group, Nancy Treacy, who is currently unwell. Nancy has been a dedicated member of the folk group for many years and the group remembered her in their prayers at the mass and have continued to pray for her since.

When the final notes of the recessional hymn were sounded it was time for some photographs and back to the Green Room to watch the performance. Everyone was glued to the TV screens with some arguments ensuing as to why certain people got more air time than others. When Aidan managed to gather everyone back on the bus it was off to Joels for a fabulous Sunday lunch. The bus journey back to Templemore was a lively affair, quite different to the sleepy heads of the morning journey. A sing song helped pass the time and all were back safely to the town square in what seemed like no time at all.

Congratulations to all involved in this special occasion in what was a fabulous representation of the parish of Templemore, Clonmore and Killea.